How To Make A Cutting Board
Decide what you want to be the dimensions for your cutting board. Stick with walnut or maple at least ¾ thick and 8 wide. How To Make A Simple Beautiful Hardwood Cutting Board Youtube Reapply until the wood stops absorbing the oil. How to make a cutting board . Making your own cutting board is a fun and easy project to tackle on a weekend. By Dan Edmund 15 days ago. Think about where you will store it and adjust the dimensions accordingly. How To Make A Cutting Board. I decided to make my cutting board 15 inches thick which might be thicker than the average sized cutting board. Then you will be shown how to clamp your wood together how long to leave the wood clamped and how to sand and finish the cutting board into a lustrous shine. How to Make a Cutting Board Choose Your Wood Wisely. Stop by your local Home Depot to get all the supplies you need to make your own cutting board. My parents have redone their kitchen a few times in the time they have lived in their h...