Best Sources Of Selenium
About 90 of the selenomethionine we take in is actually absorbed in the intestinal tract and about half of that stays in the body. Selenium-containing amino acids such as selenomethionine are introduced directly into proteins including the proteins that make up our muscles. 5 Foods Splendid In Selenium That Promote Overall Health Infographic The National Institutes of Health show that seafood especially fish is the best selenium source. Best sources of selenium . Rich in selenium omega-3 and omega-6 this food sources comes best from Bargi organic distributors. Or dont have access to whole and sustainably sourced seafood. Selenium content of food is largely dependent on location and soil conditions which vary widely. Brazil nuts are one of the best sources of selenium. Brazil nuts seafoods and organ meats are the richest food sources of selenium. Good natural food sources of selenium include. Buying guide for best selenium supplements Selenium is a trace mineral th...