Coq10 Food Sources
Ad Pelangsing Badan Simpelet3. Beef Pork Organ Meats Oily Fish Soybean Oil Olive Oil Parsley and Avocados. Full Text Potential Role Of Coenzyme Q10 In Health And Disease Conditions Nds A 3-ounce cooked serving of beef which is roughly the size of a deck of cards contains approximately 26 milligrams of the nutrient. Coq10 food sources . Large variations of CoQ10 content in some foods and food products of different geographical origin have been found. Chicken thighs are a very good source of CoQ10. Good food sources of CoQ10 include. Peanuts contain about 7 mg of CoQ10 per 100 grams or 30 mg per pound. Combine this meat with other healthy foods for a healthy balanced diet. While not making the top 5 but still being a source of CoQ10 were sunflower cottonseed and safflower oil. CoQ10 in Chicken Liver. Chicken liver provides 1162 mg of CoQ10 in every 100 grams making it one of the highest food sources of CoQ104 It would take about 189 pounds of chicken liver to provid...