Why Is Saffron Expensive
The reputation stems from a few. Its not certain whether climate change has affected the price of saffron but it thrives in extreme temperatures on either end of the temperature scale. Saffron The Most Expensive Spice The Indigenous Bartender It has long had a reputation as the worlds most expensive spice. Why is saffron expensive . Pay different packaging costs Youll get a profit later unless you sell at least 10000 Matching the packaging to the customers taste in the retail market Reduce costs by providing low quality product Price Concerns in Price-Oriented Market Saffron Price And. The most expensive highest-grade saffron is generally made up of just the very tips of the stigma. Now that you know where saffron comes from you may still find yourself wondering exactly why it is so costly. The harvesting process plus its distinct flavor smell and color make it the most expensive spice in the world. All of them are really expensive chemicals and high in medical importance....