What's In Cow's Milk
Based on this data you can pretty confidently say that cows milk is objectively healthier than Oat Milk. 3 Yes you are drinking cows blood in the milk and the USDA allows this. Milk United Dairy Industry Of Michigan The protein component in milk is made up of up to 80 casein 1. What's in cow's milk . A deficiency in potassium may lead to high blood pressure and a lack of calcium weakens bone strength. It also contains magnesium which is important for. Milk also carries a high amount of protein which helps your baby grow. According to the USDA website one cup of whole cow milk contains 149 kcal 769 g protein 1865 g saturated fats 0812 g monounsaturated fats 0195 g polyunsaturated fats 045 µg vitamin B12 7 µg beta carotene 13 µg vitamin D and 276 mg calcium. Donkey and horse milk have the lowest fat content while the milk of seals and whales may contain more than 50 fat. Cows milk is a good source of protein and calcium as well as nutrients including vitamin B12 and...